Exhibition Palazzo Contarini Polignac, Venezia 2018

“Gabriel & Lucifero. The most precious Pigment of Renaissance Venice”

Sylke von Gaza's solo exhibition Gabriel & Lucifero. The most precious Pigment of Renaissance Venice took place at Palazzo Contarini Polignac in Venice in April and Mai 2018. Working with the ultramarine pigment, Sylke von Gaza created a series of abstract oil paintings that reference the tradition of the Old Masters and their use of this very precious pigment for the iconic blue veil and mantle of the Madonna, which symbolised the Virgin’s purity and status as the eternal Queen of Heaven.

The exhibition revolves around two large-scale works, Gabriel and Lucifero. Named after the archangels, the two paintings make their first public appearance at Palazzo Contarini Polignac. The visitor is invited to take her/his time, to sit in an armchair and to contemplate and experience the pigment’s alchemical power and its effect on the subconscious. The text “Mysterium Coniunctionis. Gabriel & Lucifero di Sylke von Gaza” by the Italian philosopher and professor of aesthetics Guido Brivio (Università di Torino) is part of the setting and offered to the visitor to complement her/his own inner dialogue.

The final days of the exhibition Gabriel & Lucifero coincided with the "Berührungspunkte", a communication initiative for architects, hosted in the same palazzo for the preview days of the Biennale d'Architettura 2018.

Above: Canal Grande View of Palazzo Contarini Polignac. Right: Claude Monet, Le Palais Contarini, 1908. (© Kunstmuseum St. Gallen)

Above: Canal Grande View of Palazzo Contarini Polignac. Right: Claude Monet, Le Palais Contarini, 1908. (© Kunstmuseum St. Gallen)

Installation Views and Details of Exhibition "Gabriel & Lucifero", Palazzo Contarini Polignac, Venezia 2018.

Installation Views and Details of Exhibition "Gabriel & Lucifero", Palazzo Contarini Polignac, Venezia 2018.


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